Fig. S3

Sallin et al., 2015 - A dual epimorphic and compensatory mode of heart regeneration in zebrafish
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Fig. S3

EmbCMHC expression is reactivated in a cluster of undifferentiated CMs at the vicinity of the ventricular resection plane

(A) Representative picture of a wild type heart at 7 days post ventricular resection (dpa) labelled with DAPI (blue), Mef2c (red) and embCMHC (green). Dashed lines indicate the amputation plane. (B-B′) Higher magnification of the framed area shown in (A). EmbCMHC is expressed at the proximity of the amputation plane, where CMs dedifferentiate. Scale bar (A, B) = 100 µm

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Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 399(1), Sallin, P., de Preux Charles, A., Duruz, V., Pfefferli, C., Jazwinska, A., A dual epimorphic and compensatory mode of heart regeneration in zebrafish, 27-40, Copyright (2015) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.