Figure 3

Chen et al., 2022 - Loss of atm in Zebrafish as a Model of Ataxia-Telangiectasia Syndrome
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Figure 3

Loss of atm in zebrafish causing premature death, immunol deficiency, and regeneration abnormality. (A) Life span of WT and atm−/− zebrafish. (B) Causes of death in WT and atm−/− zebrafish. (C) Kidney marrow anatomy and anti-acid staining of infective tissue. (DF) Whole-embryo in situ hybridization on atm−/− and WT zebrafish. (D) Representative images of gata1 expression (black arrows) in WT and atm−/− embryos at 24-hpf (top). Quantification of the gata1 signal (bottom) (n = 40 for WT; n = 21 for atm−/−). (E) Representative images of mpo expression (black arrow) in WT and atm−/− embryos at 24-hpf (top). Quantification of the mpo signals (bottom) (n = 45 for WT; n = 22 for atm−/−). (F) Representative images of rag1 expression (black arrow) in WT and atm−/− embryos at 5-dpf (top). Quantification of the rag1 signal (bottom) (n = 36 for WT; n = 26 for atm−/−). (G) General observation of regeneration ability of atm−/− zebrafish’s caudal fin amputation. Ratio of tail recovery is quantified (n = 12 for each group). The statistical significance is analyzed using the two-tailed Student’s t-test. Data are shown in means ± SEM.

Expression Data
Anatomical Terms:
Stage Range: Prim-5 to Day 5

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data
Observed In:
Stage Range: Prim-5 to Adult

Phenotype Detail
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