Figure 5-figure supplement 3.

<italic>Mfsd2aa<sup>hm37/hm37</sup>; mfsd2ab<sup>hm38/hm38</sup></italic> double mutants display similar increased BBB permeability to <italic>mfsd2aa<sup>hm37/hm37</sup></italic> single mutants.

(A–D) Representative maximum intensity projection images of the midbrain of wild-type (A; mfsd2aa+/+; mfsd2ab+/+), mfsd2aahm37/hm37 single mutants (B), mfsd2abhm38/hm38 single mutants (C), and mfsd2aahm37/hm37; mfsd2abhm38/hm38 double mutants (D) expressing the fluorescently labeled 80 kDa transgenic serum protein DBP-EGFP (green) at 5 dpf. Mfsd2aahm37/hm37; mfsd2abhm38/hm38 double mutants display a similar level of increased parenchymal tracer permeability to the mfsd2aahm37/hm37 single mutants. The scale bar represents 50 µm. (E) Quantification of DBP-EGFP tracer intensity in the midbrain parenchyma of wild-type (black), mfsd2aahm37/hm37 mutants (magenta), mfsd2abhm38/hm38 mutants (green), and mfsd2aahm37/hm37; mfsd2abhm38/hm38 double mutants (turquoise). Each individual fish measured is displayed as a single point. The mean and the standard error are drawn in black. ****p<0.0001 by two-way ANOVA.

Expression Data

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data
Observed In:
Stage: Day 5

Phenotype Detail
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