Fig. S6

Pavlou et al., 2014 - Pleiotropic effects of Sox2 during the development of the zebrafish epithalamus
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Fig. S6

Downregulation of Notch results in more isl1+/sox2 cells in relation to controls. (A-E′′) sox2 is expressed throughout the pineal anlage and is downregulated in isl1-positive cells, in DMSO-treated control embryos at 15 ss. (A-E) sox2 expression, (A′-E′) isl1 expression, (A′′-E′′) merged images of sox2, isl1 and Tg(flh:GFP) that marks the pineal anlage. (F′-J′′) DAPT treatment results in increased number of cells expressing isl1 (F′-J′). sox2 (F-J) is still expressed in the undifferentiated pineal precursor cells (green in F′′-J′′) but not in the differentiated isl1-positive cells (F′-J′). Since there are more isl1-positive cells, sox2 is downregulated in a broader domain in relation to controls. Series of optical sections from dorsal (first column) to ventral (5th column) obtained using confocal microscope, scale bars = 25 μm, yellow arrows show cells in which sox2 is downregulated and isl1 is upregulated, insets show a three times magnified view of the image. See also Figure 5, Movie S1.

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