Fig. S1

Colombo et al., 2013 - Daam1a mediates asymmetric habenular morphogenesis by regulating dendritic and axonal outgrowth
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Fig. S1

Habenular expression of daam1a and kcdt12.1 in embryos with affected habenular asymmetry. (A,C,I,K) Habenular expression of daam1a in embryos injected with Co-MO (A,C) and in siblings of masterblind (mbl) (I) and acerebellar (ace) (K) mutants. (E,G,M,O) Habenular expression of kcdt12.1 in embryos injected with Co-MO (E,G) and in siblings of mbl (M) and ace (O) mutants. (B,B′,F,F′) Injection of spaw-MO results in randomised laterality of habenular daam1a (B,B′) and kcdt12.1 (F,F′) asymmetric expression. (D,D′,H,H′) Injection of ntl-MO results in randomised laterality of habenular daam1a (D,D′) and kcdt12.1 (H,H2) asymmetric expression. (J,J′,N,N′) mbl-/- mutants show symmetric expression of daam1a (J) and kcdt12.1 (N), with both sides showing levels similar to the right Hb of controls; some embryos also show absence of expression (J′,N′). (L,L′,P,P′) ace-/- mutants show symmetric expression of daam1a (L) and kcdt12.1 (P), with both sides showing levels similar to the right Hb of controls; some embryos also show absence of expression (L′,P′). The relative contribution of the different phenotypes is given in Table 1. Images correspond to dorsal views of the habenular region at 96 hpf, with anterior to the top. Scale bar, 20 μm.

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