Fig. 3

Brown et al., 2010 - Nlcam modulates midline convergence during anterior neural plate morphogenesis
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Fig. 3

Overexpression of nlcam leads to a reduction in eye size. (A–E) 14SS embryos, injected at the one cell stage with H2BmRFP RNA (A), nlcam RNA (B–D) or nlcam-GFP RNA (E). nlcam overexpression leads to a reduction in eye size in a dose-dependent manner. nlcam-GFP RNA injection (E) causes a similar range of phenotypes. (F) GFP-tagged Nlcam is localised to the plasma membrane of RPCs. (G, H) 14SS embryos, injected at the one cell stage with Rx3::GFP (G) or a mixture of Rx3::GFP and Rx3::nlcam (H) plasmids. Cells expressing the transgenes are marked by GFP. Overexpression of nlcam exclusively in RPCs causes small eyes, while the rest of the embryo is unaffected. (I) Quantification of eye size at 14SS after DNA injection. The area of the optic vesicle, shown in arbitrary units ± standard deviation (set to 100 for the control embryos), is significantly smaller when nlcam is overexpressed. n = number of optic vesicles measured.

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Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 339(1), Brown, K.E., Keller, P.J., Ramialison, M., Rembold, M., Stelzer, E.H., Loosli, F., and Wittbrodt, J., Nlcam modulates midline convergence during anterior neural plate morphogenesis, 14-25, Copyright (2010) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.