Phenotype: amacrine cell dendrite has fewer parts of type amacrine cell dendritic branch, abnormal
Note: This statement combines anatomy and/or ontology terms with phenotype quality terms to create a complete phenotype (EQ) statement. For detailed information on individual terms, click the hyperlinked term name.
Name: amacrine cell
Synonyms: amacrine neuron
Definition: Interneuron of the vertebrate retina. They integrate, modulate, and interpose a temporal domain in the visual message presented to the retinal ganglion cells, with which they synapse in the inner plexiform layer.
Ontology: Anatomy Ontology [ZFA:0009255]
Name: dendrite
Definition: A neuron projection that has a short, tapering, morphology. Dendrites receive and integrate signals from other neurons or from sensory stimuli, and conduct nerve impulses towards the axon or the cell body. In most neurons, the impulse is conveyed from dendrites to axon via the cell body, but in some types of unipolar neuron, the impulse does not travel via the cell body.
Ontology: GO: Cellular Component [GO:0030425]    QuickGO    AmiGO
Name: has fewer parts of type
Synonyms: decreased number of, has decreased number of, has fewer physical parts of type
Definition: The bearer of this quality has_part < n AND has_part > 0 of the indicated entity type, where n is the normal amount for a comparable organism. Note that the bearer of the quality is the whole, not the part. Formally: If a bearer entity e has fewer parts of type X at time t, then the number of instances x of X at t such that x part_of e is < n, where n is either the normal number for comparable entities, or n is stated explicitly.
Ontology: Phenotypic Quality Ontology [PATO:0002001]
Name: dendritic branch
Synonyms: dendrite branch, secondary dendrite
Definition: A dendrite arising from another dendrite.
Ontology: GO: Cellular Component [GO:0044307]    QuickGO    AmiGO