Phenotype: ameloblast gja1b expression decreased amount, abnormal
Note: This phenotype statement describes a gene expression or antibody labeling pattern. Anatomy terms are combined with a gene or antibody and phenotype quality.
Name: ameloblast
Synonyms: ameloblasts
Definition: A cylindrical epithelial cell in the innermost layer of the enamel organ. Their functions include contribution to the development of the dentinoenamel junction by the deposition of a layer of the matrix, thus producing the foundation for the prisms (the structural units of the dental enamel), and production of the matrix for the enamel prisms and interprismatic substance. (From Jablonski's Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992).
Ontology: Anatomy Ontology [ZFA:0009028]
Symbol: gja1b
Name: gap junction protein alpha 1b
Previous Names: gja1 (1), cx43 (1), cx43a1 (1), etID309742.9 (1), shf, short fin, sof (1), stopsel (1), stp, zfCx43.3 (1)

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Name: decreased amount
Synonyms: decreased, decreased number, present in fewer numbers in organism, reduced, subnumerary
Definition: An amount which is relatively low.
Ontology: Phenotypic Quality Ontology [PATO:0001997]