ZFIN ID: ZDB-GENE-050419-175

Mapping Details

Gene Name: olfactory receptor C family, u1
Symbol: olfcu1
Genome Browser Chr Position Assembly
ZFIN JBrowse 18 33,333,411 - 33,337,703 GRCz11
Ensembl 18 33,333,411 - 33,337,703 GRCz11
Vega 18 33,358,816 - 33,363,108 GRCv10
NCBI Map Viewer 18 33,333,411 - 33,337,703 GRCz11
UCSC 18 - GRCz11
Mapped Clones containing olfcu1
DKEY-183J10 Chr: 18 Details
CH211-229C8 Chr: 18 Details
Feature Chr Position Assembly Citations
sa25068 18 33,336,701 GRCz11 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
18 33,362,106 GRCz10 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
18 31,565,247 Zv9 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013

Marker Type Chr Distance Publication / Person Comments
olfcq8 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcq1 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcq5 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcv3 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcq2 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcq10 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcq3 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcq6 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcq4 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcw1 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2ra19 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rh2 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rh3 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rh4 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rh5 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rh26 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rh15 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rh16 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rh27 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rh17 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rh28 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rh29 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rh30 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfct1 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rh6p GENEP 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rh33p GENEP 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rx5p GENEP 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcq8 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcq1 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcq5 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcv3 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcv1 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcq2 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcq10 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcx2 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcq3 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcq6 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
vmn2r1 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcx1 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfck2 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcq4 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcw1 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rf1 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rh2 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rh3 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rh4 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rh5 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rh29 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rh30 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcs2 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcg1 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfct1 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcd1 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rh6p GENEP 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rh31p GENEP 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2rx5p GENEP 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
v2re2p GENEP 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfck3 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfcq9 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...
olfck1 GENE 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome  ...

Chr 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2005 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome sequence project to  ...
Chr 18 Hashiguchi et al., 2006 Hashiguchi et al (Gene 362, 19-28) used information from the zebrafish genome sequence project to  ...
Genomic Feature sa25068 is an allele of olfcu1