ZFIN ID: ZDB-EXP-170417-14
Experiment Conditions Description: physical alteration: endocrine pancreas, chemical treatment by environment: ginsenoside C-K, chemical treatment by environment: alloxan, chemical treatment by environment: beta-cyclodextrin
physical alteration: endocrine pancreas
Name: physical alteration
Definition: Experimental condition in which an anatomical structure, cell, or organ has sustained targeted physical change, usually through the use of an instrument.
Ontology: Zebrafish Environment Condition Ontology [ZECO:0000229]
Name: endocrine pancreas
Synonyms: pancreatic islet, tail pancreas
Definition: The zebrafish endocrine pancreas is an compound organ component composed of small groups of islet cells that are distributed throughout the exocrine pancreas. The islet cells produce insulin, glucagon and somatostatin.
Ontology: Anatomy Ontology [ZFA:0001260]
chemical treatment by environment: ginsenoside C-K
Name: chemical treatment by environment
Definition: Chemical treatment condition in which the chemical is introduced through the environment. For zebrafish this is the tank water.
Ontology: Zebrafish Environment Condition Ontology [ZECO:0000238]
Name: ginsenoside C-K
Synonyms: (20S)-ginsenoside C-K, (3beta,12beta)-3,12-dihydroxydammar-24-en-20-yl beta-D-glucopyranoside, 20beta-(beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)dammar-24-ene-3beta,12beta-diol, ginsenoside compound K
Definition: A ginsenoside found in Panax species that is dammarane which is substituted by hydroxy groups at the 3beta, 12beta and 20 pro-S positions, in which the hydroxy group at position 20 has been converted to the corresponding beta-D-glucopyranoside, and in which a double bond has been introduced at the 24-25 position.
Ontology: ChEBI [CHEBI:77146]  ( EBI )
chemical treatment by environment: alloxan
Name: chemical treatment by environment
Definition: Chemical treatment condition in which the chemical is introduced through the environment. For zebrafish this is the tank water.
Ontology: Zebrafish Environment Condition Ontology [ZECO:0000238]
Name: alloxan
Synonyms: 2,4,5,6(1H,3H)-Pyrimidinetetrone, 2,4,5,6-pyrimidinetetrone, 2,4,5,6-Tetraoxohexahydropyrimidine, 5,6-dioxouracil, 5-oxobarbituric acid, Alloxane, Mesoxalylcarbamide, Mesoxalylurea, NSC 7169, pyrimidine-2,4,5,6(1H,3H)-tetrone, Pyrimidinetetrone
Definition: A member of the class of pyrimidones, the structure of which is that of perhydropyrimidine substituted at C-2, -4, -5 and -6 by oxo groups.
Ontology: ChEBI [CHEBI:76451]  ( EBI )
chemical treatment by environment: beta-cyclodextrin
Name: chemical treatment by environment
Definition: Chemical treatment condition in which the chemical is introduced through the environment. For zebrafish this is the tank water.
Ontology: Zebrafish Environment Condition Ontology [ZECO:0000238]
Name: beta-cyclodextrin
Synonyms: beta-CD, beta-cycloamylose, beta-cyclodextrin, betadex, cycloheptaamylose, cycloheptaglucan, cycloheptaglucosan, cyclomaltoheptaose
Definition: A cyclodextrin composed of seven alpha-(1->4) linked D-glucopyranose units.
Ontology: ChEBI [CHEBI:495055]  ( EBI )
Publication: Nam et al., 2017