ZFIN ID: ZDB-PERS-960805-624
Yamasu, Kyo
Email: kyamasu@mail.saitama-u.ac.jp
URL: http://devbiol.seitai.saitama-u.ac.jp/
Affiliation: Yamasu Lab
Address: Division of Life Science Graduate School of Science and Engineering Saitama University Shimo-Okubo 255, Sakura-ku Saitama, 338-8570 Japan
Country: Japan
Phone: 81-48-858-3417
Fax: 81-48-858-3698


Umeda, K., Tanaka, K., Chowdhury, G., Nasu, K., Kuroyanagi, Y., Yamasu, K. (2024) Evolutionarily conserved roles of foxg1a in the developing subpallium of zebrafish embryos. Development, growth & differentiation. 66(3):219-234
Chowdhury, G., Umeda, K., Ohyanagi, T., Nasu, K., Yamasu, K. (2024) Involvement of nr2f genes in brain regionalization and eye development during early zebrafish development. Development, growth & differentiation. 66(2):145-160
Yuikawa, T., Sato, T., Ikeda, M., Tsuruoka, M., Yasuda, K., Sato, Y., Nasu, K., Yamasu, K. (2023) Elongation of the developing spinal cord is driven by Oct4-type transcription factor-mediated regulation of retinoic acid signaling in zebrafish embryos. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 253(4):404-422
Zaman, T., Fahad, T.M., Rana, M., Hossain, M.S., Mamun, A., Haque, M.A., Sarker, A., Islam, M.S., Haque, M.M.L., Naz, T., Manik, M.I.N., Ali, H., Yamasu, K., Khan, A. (2023) Endosulfan affects embryonic development synergistically under elevated ambient temperature. Environmental science and pollution research international. 30(29):73393-73404
Yuikawa, T., Ikeda, M., Tsuda, S., Saito, S., Yamasu, K. (2021) Involvement of Oct4-type transcription factor Pou5f3 in posterior spinal cord formation in zebrafish embryos. Development, growth & differentiation. 63(6):306-322
Takahashi, K., Ito, Y., Yoshimura, M., Nikaido, M., Yuikawa, T., Kawamura, A., Tsuda, S., Kage, D., Yamasu, K. (2020) A globin-family protein, cytoglobin 1, is involved in the development of neural crest-derived tissues and organs in zebrafish. Developmental Biology. 472:1-17
Akama, K., Ebata, K., Maeno, A., Taminato, T., Otosaka, S., Gengyo-Ando, K., Nakai, J., Yamasu, K., Kawamura, A. (2019) Role of somite patterning in the formation of Weberian apparatus and pleural rib in zebrafish. Journal of anatomy. 236(4):622-629
Inomata, C., Yuikawa, T., Nakayama-Sadakiyo, Y., Kobayashi, K., Ikeda, M., Chiba, M., Konishi, C., Ishioka, A., Tsuda, S., Yamasu, K. (2019) Involvement of an Oct4-related PouV gene, pou5f3/pou2, in neurogenesis in the early neural plate of zebrafish embryos. Developmental Biology. 457(1):30-42
Ban, H., Yokota, D., Otosaka, S., Kikuchi, M., Kinoshita, H., Fujino, Y., Yabe, T., Ovara, H., Izuka, A., Akama, K., Yamasu, K., Takada, S., Kawamura, A. (2019) Transcriptional autoregulation of zebrafish tbx6 is required for somite segmentation. Development (Cambridge, England). 146(18):
Fujino, Y., Yamada, K., Sugaya, C., Ooka, Y., Ovara, H., Ban, H., Akama, K., Otosaka, S., Kinoshita, H., Yamasu, K., Mishima, Y., Kawamura, A. (2018) Deadenylation by the CCR4-NOT complex contributes to the turnover of hairy-related mRNAs in the zebrafish segmentation clock. FEBS letters. 592(20):3388-3398
Tsuda, S., Hiyoshi, K., Miyazawa, H., Kinno, R., Yamasu, K. (2018) 4D imaging identifies dynamic migration and the fate of gbx2-expressing cells in the brain primordium of zebrafish. Neuroscience letters. 690:112-119
Okumura, K., Kakinuma, H., Amo, R., Okamoto, H., Yamasu, K., Tsuda, S. (2018) Optical measurement of neuronal activity in the developing cerebellum of zebrafish using voltage-sensitive dye imaging. Neuroreport. 29(16):1349-1354
Kinoshita, H., Ohgane, N., Fujino, Y., Yabe, T., Ovara, H., Yokota, D., Izuka, A., Kage, D., Yamasu, K., Takada, S., Kawamura, A. (2018) Functional roles of the Ripply-mediated suppression of segmentation gene expression at the anterior presomitic mesoderm in zebrafish. Mechanisms of Development. 152:21-31
Miyazawa, H., Okumura, K., Hiyoshi, K., Maruyama, K., Kakinuma, H., Amo, R., Okamoto, H., Yamasu, K., Tsuda, S. (2018) Optical interrogation of neuronal circuitry in zebrafish using genetically encoded voltage indicators. Scientific Reports. 8:6048
Nikaido, M., Izumi, S., Ohnuki, H., Takigawa, Y., Yamasu, K., Hatta, K. (2018) Early development of the enteric nervous system visualized by using a new transgenic zebrafish line harboring a regulatory region for choline acetyltransferase a (chata) gene. Gene expression patterns : GEP. 28:12-21
Kobayashi, K., Khan, A., Ikeda, M., Nakamoto, A., Maekawa, M., Yamasu, K. (2018) In vitro analysis of the transcriptional regulatory mechanism of zebrafish pou5f3. Experimental cell research. 364(1):28-41
Wang, Z., Nakayama, Y., Tsuda, S., Yamasu, K. (2018) The role of gastrulation brain homeobox 2 (gbx2) in the development of the ventral telencephalon in zebrafish embryos. Differentiation; research in biological diversity. 99:28-40
Nakayama, Y., Inomata, C., Yuikawa, T., Tsuda, S., Yamasu, K. (2017) Comprehensive analysis of target genes in zebrafish embryos reveals gbx2 involvement in neurogenesis. Developmental Biology. 430(1):237-248
Taminato, T., Yokota, D., Araki, S., Ovara, H., Yamasu, K., Kawamura, A. (2016) Enhancer activity-based identification of functional enhancers using zebrafish embryos. Genomics. 108(2):102-7
Kawamura, A., Ovara, H., Ooka, Y., Kinoshita, H., Hoshikawa, M., Nakajo, K., Yokota, D., Fujino, Y., Higashijima, S.I., Takada, S., Yamasu, K. (2016) Posterior-anterior gradient of zebrafish hes6 expression in the presomitic mesoderm is established by the combinatorial functions of the downstream enhancer and 3'UTR. Developmental Biology. 409(2):543-54
Nakayama, Y., Kikuta, H., Kanai, M., Yoshikawa, K., Kawamura, A., Kobayashi, K., Wang, Z., Khan, A., Kawakami, K., and Yamasu, K. (2013) Gbx2 functions as a transcriptional repressor to regulate the specification and morphogenesis of the mid-hindbrain junction in a dosage- and stage-dependent manner. Mechanisms of Development. 130(11-12):532-52
Khan, A., Nakamoto, A., Okamoto, S., Tai, M., Nakayama, Y., Kobayashi, K., Kawamura, A., Takeda, H., and Yamasu, K. (2012) Pou2, a class V POU-type transcription factor in zebrafish, regulates dorsoventral patterning and convergent extension movement at different blastula stages. Mechanisms of Development. 129(9-12):219-235
Khan, A., Nakamoto, A., Tai, M., Saito, S., Nakayama, Y., Kawamura, A., Takeda, H., and Yamasu, K. (2012) Mesendoderm specification depends on the function of Pou2, the class V POU-type transcription factor, during zebrafish embryogenesis. Development, growth & differentiation. 54(7):686-701
Ishioka, A., Jindo, T., Kawanabe, T., Hatta, K., Parvin, M.S., Nikaido, M., Kuroyanagi, Y., Takeda, H., and Yamasu, K. (2011) Retinoic acid-dependent establishment of positional information in the hindbrain was conserved during vertebrate evolution. Developmental Biology. 350(1):154-168
Ota, S., Tonou-Fujimori, N., Nakayama, Y., Ito, Y., Kawamura, A., and Yamasu, K. (2010) FGF receptor gene expression and its regulation by FGF signaling during early zebrafish development. Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000). 48(12):707-716
Ota, S., Tonou-Fujimori, N., and Yamasu, K. (2009) The roles of the FGF signal in zebrafish embryos analyzed using constitutive activation and dominant-negative suppression of different FGF receptors. Mechanisms of Development. 126(1-2):1-17
Parvin, M.S., Okuyama, N., Inoue, F., Islam, M.E., Kawakami, A., Takeda, H., and Yamasu, K. (2008) Autoregulatory loop and retinoic acid repression regulate pou2/pou5f1 gene expression in the zebrafish embryonic brain. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 237(5):1373-1388
Inoue, F., Parvin, M.S., and Yamasu, K. (2008) Transcription of fgf8 is regulated by activating and repressive cis-elements at the midbrain-hindbrain boundary in zebrafish embryos. Developmental Biology. 316(2):471-486
Nikaido, M., Doi, K., Shimizu, T., Hibi, M., Kikuchi, Y., and Yamasu, K. (2007) Initial specification of the epibranchial placode in zebrafish embryos depends on the fibroblast growth factor signal. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 236(2):564-571
Islam, M.E., Kikuta, H., Inoue, F., Kanai, M., Kawakami, A., Parvin, M.S., Takeda, H., and Yamasu, K. (2006) Three enhancer regions regulate gbx2 gene expression in the isthmic region during zebrafish development. Mechanisms of Development. 123(12):907-924
Inoue, F., Nagayoshi, S., Ota, S., Islam, M.E., Tonou-Fujimori, N., Odaira, Y., Kawakami, K., and Yamasu, K. (2006) Genomic organization, alternative splicing, and multiple regulatory regions of the zebrafish fgf8 gene. Development, growth & differentiation. 48(7):447-462
Kikuta, H., Kanai, M., Ito, Y., and Yamasu, K. (2003) gbx2 Homeobox gene is required for the maintenance of the isthmic region in the zebrafish embryonic brain. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 228(3):433-450
Hirate, Y., Okamoto, H. and Yamasu, K. (2003) Structure of the zebrafish fasciclin I-related extracellular matrix protein (betaig-h3) and its characteristic expression during embryogenesis. Gene expression patterns : GEP. 3(3):331-336
Tonou-Fujimori, N., Takahashi, M., Onodera, H., Kikuta, H., Koshida, S., Takeda, H., and Yamasu, K. (2002) Expression of the FGF receptor 2 gene (fgfr2) during embryogenesis in the zebrafish Danio rerio. Mechanisms of Development. (Suppl.) 119:S173-S178
Tonou-Fujimori, N., Takahashi, M., Onodera, H., Kikuta, H., Koshida, S., Takeda, H., and Yamasu, K. (2002) RETRACTED: Expression of the FGF receptor 2 gene (fgfr2) during embryogenesis in the zebrafish Danio rerio. Gene expression patterns : GEP. 2(3-4):183-188
Hirate, Y., Mieda, M., Harada, T., Yamasu, K., and Okamoto, H. (2001) Identification of ephrin-A3 and novel genes specific to the midbrain-MHB in embryonic zebrafish by ordered differential display. Mechanisms of Development. 107(1-2):83-96
Sawada, A., Fritz, A., Jiang, Y., Yamamoto, A., Yamasu, K., Kuroiwa, A., Saga, Y., and Takeda, H. (2000) Zebrafish Mesp family genes, mesp-a and mesp-b are segmentally expressed in the presomitic mesoderm, and Mesp-b confers the anterior identity to the developing somites. Development (Cambridge, England). 127(8):1691-1702