

Previous Names
Although ZFIN verifies reagent sequence data, we recommend that you conduct independent sequence analysis before ordering any reagent.
Translation-blocking MO.
Genome Resources
Target Location
Genomic Features
No data available
Gene expression in Wild Types + MO1-and2
Expressed Gene Anatomy Figures
and1 Fig. 3 from Zhang et al., 2010
Phenotype resulting from MO1-and2
No data available
Phenotype of all Fish created by or utilizing MO1-and2
Phenotype Fish Conditions Figures
median fin fold actinotrichium aplastic, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. 3 from Zhang et al., 2010
actinotrichium aplastic, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. S6 from Zhang et al., 2010
pectoral fin fold decreased size, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. S6 from Zhang et al., 2010
regenerating fin actinotrichium disorganized, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 amputation: fin Fig. 3 from Zhang et al., 2010
median fin fold actinotrichium absent, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. 3 from Zhang et al., 2010
cartilage development involved in endochondral bone morphogenesis delayed, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. S8 from Zhang et al., 2010
hindbrain deformed, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. S6 from Zhang et al., 2010
scapulocoracoid upper region aplastic, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. S8 from Zhang et al., 2010
median fin fold granular, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. 3Fig. S6 from Zhang et al., 2010
median fin fold decreased size, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. 3Fig. S6 from Zhang et al., 2010
pericardium edematous, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. S6 from Zhang et al., 2010
eye decreased size, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. S6 from Zhang et al., 2010
cartilage development delayed, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. S8 from Zhang et al., 2010
head decreased size, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. S6 from Zhang et al., 2010
actinotrichium absent, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. S6 from Zhang et al., 2010
median fin fold curled, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. 3Fig. S6 from Zhang et al., 2010
pectoral fin fold absent, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. S6 from Zhang et al., 2010
actinotrichium decreased amount, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. S6 from Zhang et al., 2010
median fin fold filopodium disoriented, abnormal sqet37Et + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. 3 from Zhang et al., 2010
pectoral fin fold filopodium absent, abnormal sqet37Et + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. 3 from Zhang et al., 2010
median fin fold mesenchymal cell disorganized, abnormal sqet37Et + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. 3 from Zhang et al., 2010
pectoral fin fold mesenchymal cell absent, abnormal sqet37Et + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. 3 from Zhang et al., 2010