Fig. 1

Figures for Bieder et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Fig. 1

CPAP interacts with DCDC2 and DYX1C1. (A) CPAP endogenously interacts with DCDC2 and DYX1C1. Endogenous immunoprecipitations using HeLa cell extracts. CPAP was used as a bait to pull down interactors. CEP350 was used as a negative control and CEP152 was used as a positive control for interaction with CPAP. Beads alone were used as a negative control for the IP´s. (B) CPAP and DYX1C1 interaction in brain organoids. CPAP was immunoprecipitated by anti- DYX1C1 in 15 day old brain organoids. Reciprocally, DYX1C1 was pulled down by anti-CPAP. (C) Schematic representation of domain structures of DYX1C1, CPAP and the deletion constructs DYX1C1ΔTPR, DYX1C1Δp23, DYX1C1ΔDYX. p23 = p23 domain, TPR = tetratricopeptide repeat domain, DYX = DYX domain. (D) CPAP interacts with DYX1C1 via the p23 domain. hTERT-RPE1 cells stably expressing DOX-CPAP-GFP and growing in normal serum conditions were induced with doxycycline and transiently transfected with the indicated constructs. GFP-Trap was used to pull down CPAP-GFP. anti-V5 antibody was used for immunodetection of interactors.

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