Fig. 3

Figures for Huisman et al., 2021
Figure Caption

Fig. 3

Microglia take up Avidin and Amyloid-β less efficiently than BLECs. (a-c) Maximum projections of a 5dpf mpeg:GFP positive embryo in which pHr-Avidin was injected into the optic tectum. Note the auto-fluorescence in the red channel, marked by asterisks. (d) The average pixel intensity of the pHr-Avidin signal is significantly lower in microglia compared to BLECs (Welch's t-test, p = .0014). (e-g) Maximum projections of the same embryo, showing the distribution of HiLyte Fluor 647-labeled Amyloid-β (1–40) protein after parenchymal administration. (b, c and f, g) Zoom-in of the indicated regions in (a) and (e), respectively. Arrows highlight an uptake event in BLECs, arrowheads indicate an uptake by a mpeg + macrophage. (h) Quantification of the average pixel intensity of Amyloid-β accumulating in microglia and BLECs results in significantly higher values for BLECs as compared to microglia (Welch's t-test, p = .0005). Number of embryos analyzed was n = 4. Values are presented as means ± SD

Figure Data
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