Fig. 1

Figures for Zhang et al., 2018
Figure Caption

Fig. 1

The expression patterns of Zebrafish Mtu1 in the sensory organs. (A) Whole-mount in situ hybridization on wild type larval zebrafish at various ages (4–72 hpf). (B) Lateral views with anterior to the left show mtu1 expression in otic vesicle (Ov), liver (Lv), esophagus (Eso), swimming bladder (Sb) and intestine (In) at 120 hpf. (C, D) Transverse frozen sections through dashed line C’ and D’ in B were used for the assessment of mtu1 expression in neuromast (Nm), posterior macula (Pm) and anterior macula (Am) hair cells, respectively. Insets show higher magnifications of Nm and Pm. Scale bars: 100 μm. V, ventral; L, lateral; B: brain; E: eye; Pf: pectoral fin; Ec: epidermal cells; C: cristae; Nc: notochord.

Figure Data
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