Fig. 1

Figures for Kimelman, 2016
Figure Caption

Fig. 1

Identification of a cold-sensitive mutation in ntla. A-D: A cross from one family of fish produced embryos with a truncated tail phenotype (C, D) as well as wild-type (wt) embryos after being raised overnight at 17°C from shield stage. The phenotype is less severe than seen with the ntlab195 mutant (B, ntla-/-). E-H: Staining with the muscle antibody MF20 shows that the embryos with the truncated tails have less somitic tissue (G,H), although with less reduction than seen with ntla-/- (F). I: The mutant embryos have two base pair changes in the C-terminal domain of the Ntla coding region. The numbers indicate the base pair where the change occurred relative to the first base of the start codon. J,K: A cross of ntla-/+ and ntlacs/+ adults produced phenotypically wild-type and mutant embryos after being raised overnight at 17°C from shield stage. The genotypes of both are indicated on the figure. All embryos are shown at the equivalent of two dpf.

Figure Data
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