Fig. 7

Figures for Tay et al., 2005
Figure Caption

Fig. 7 Loss of Su(fu) activity enhances de-repression of Hh signalling in Cos2 morphants. (A) A 24 hpf wild-type embryo injected with MOs against Su(fu) and cos2 and stained with antibodies against Prox1 and Eng, showing very large numbers of supernumerary MP cells in the myotome (n=18/23). Compare with Fig. 4E,F. (B) The embryo depicted in A in medial view, showing extensive expansion in the numbers of Eng expressing MFFs (n=20/23). Compare with Fig. 4G,H. (C) Injection of Su(fu) MO into smu mutants restores some slow fibres (n=16/22). Compare with Fig. 6D,E. (D) Injection of Su(fu) as well as of cos2 MOs into smu embryos results in the recovery of substantial numbers of slow fibres (n=16/19). Compare with Fig. 6D,E. (E) A Su(fu) and cos2 MO co-injected smu embryo, stained with anti-Eng and anti-Prox1 antibodies, showing restoration of SSFs as well as MPs (arrows; n=10/18). (F) A Su(fu) and cos2 MO co-injected smu embryo, showing recovery of Eng expressing MFFs (n=16/18).

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